03 April 2024
A wealth of knowledge

Over the last 12 months, Martin Gummery, Managing Director of Brockeridge Park-based NewLeaf International has been reflecting on his 30-year career in management consultancy.
Over the last 12 months, Martin Gummery, Managing Director of Brockeridge Park-based NewLeaf International has been reflecting on his 30-year career in management consultancy through a series of posts on the NewLeaf website https://newleafinternational.co.uk/case-studies-articles/.
Covering topics from business improvement and managing change to manufacturing and sustainable improvement in Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Martin draws on his early experience with Procter & Gamble, his academic studies and his time as a management consultant with specialist consultancy NewLeaf International.
The 10-post series culminates with a piece on the design principles with have led to NewLeaf’s organisational development methodology.
And Martin confirms, “Brockeridge Park has had an important role in NewLeaf’s success. Our clients enjoy coming here with its rural setting, great meetings spaces and proximity to junction 8 of the M5 motorway. Meeting here can help to take clients away from the day-to-day and allow them to work with us to focus on what can take their business to the next level.”
NewLeaf moved to the office park at junction 1 of the M50 in September 2017 and have been one of the business park’s longest standing t
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