Brockeridge Park

Park News - June 2022

A lot has been going on in the background at Brockeridge Park. There is Planning Permission for a new B1 (offices) and B2/B8 (light industrial/storage) over 3 acres behind (to the east of the existing buildings). There is also Planning Permission for an improved widened road to serve both the existing and the proposed land. The road improvements have been carried out mostly during lockdown to avoid too much disturbance.

A lot has been going on in the background at Brockeridge Park. There is Planning Permission for a new B1 (offices) and B2/B8 (light industrial/storage) over 3 acres behind (to the east of the existing buildings). There is also Planning Permission for an improved widened road to serve both the existing and the proposed land. The road improvements have been carried out mostly during lockdown to avoid too much disturbance.

There is currently a planning application going through the Tewkesbury Borough Council for Planning Permission over 25 acres for B2/B8 (light industrial/storage) use again to the east of the existing park and adjacent to the 3 acres already granted. This is anticipated to be determined by the end of July 2022. If successful, this will be accessed by the same road that has recently been enhanced.

The entrance to Brockeridge Park has been changed so that the access road to the new B2/B8 land now bypasses the existing complex, new hedges and gates have been installed. The gate controls have been upgraded to a 365-day calendar, so the gates are now closed, as at weekends, on Bank Holidays.

Any news of future developments will be reported here as soon as they are known about.

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